Distillate fuels - calculation of cetane index 馏分燃料十六烷指数计算法
Test method for calculated cetane index of distillate fuels 馏分燃料正十六烷指数计算的试验方法
Standard test methods for calculated cetane index of distillate fuels 馏分燃料正十六烷指数计算的标准试验方法
Cci calculated cetane index 石油燃料结算16烷指数
Calculation of cetane index of middle - distillate fuels by the four - variable equation 中间馏分燃料十六烷指数计算法
Standard test method for calculated cetane index by four variable equation 用四变量方程计算十六烷指数的标准试验方法
Petroleum products . calculation of cetane index of middle - distillate fuels by the four - variable equation 石油产品.用四个变量方程式计算柴油燃料的十六烷指数
Petroleum products - fuels - determination of octane number , cetane number and calculation of cetane index 石油产品.燃料.辛烷值十六烷值的测定和十六烷指系数的计算
Petroleum products - calculation of cetane index of middle - distillate fuels by the four - variable equation iso 4264 : 1995 ; german version en iso 4264 : 1996 石油产品.用四变量方程计算中间馏份燃料十六烷指数
Methods of test for petroleum and its products - petroleum products - calculation of cetane index of middle - distillate fuels by the four - variable equation 石油和石油产品的试验方法.石油产品.用四个可变量方程对中间蒸馏液的正十六烷指数的计算
Cetane index is used as a substitute for the cetane number of diesel fuel. The cetane index is calculated based on the fuel's density and distillation range (ASTM D86).